Platforms & Structures
Foundry Projects Limited can design and install a variety of Supporting Structures, Access Structures and Structural Platforms including Mezzanines, Staircases, Safety Ladders, Walkways, Guarding and Safety Fencing.
Our comprehensive service can include structural calculations, manufacture, delivery to site, offloading and installation.
The key areas where many of our Platform and Structures activities are focused include the following:
- Cupola Supporting Structures
- Electric Furnace Platforms
- Supporting Steelwork
Cupola Supporting Structures
Cupola supporting structure during claddingShow Full Screen
Cupola house supporting structure during erectionShow Full Screen
Foundry Projects Ltd can provide this structure including staircases, ladders, handrails and safety barriers.
Electric Furnace Platforms
Electric furnace platform under constructionShow Full Screen
Platform covered with removable refractory floor panelsShow Full Screen
Electric furnace platform incorporating charger railsShow Full Screen
Free standing electric furnace platformShow Full Screen
This allows for easy access for installation and maintenance of the large furnace equipment installed beneath while at the same time providing a refractory working surface on top suitable for use with furnaces.
Obviously furnace platforms will be used to store heavy materials and products as well as possibly incorporating tracks for the charger wheels so we cater for all of these dynamic loads with the static loads to create an extremely rigid and robust structure.
Supporting Steelwork
Free standing monorail supporting structure Show Full Screen
Platform supporting structureShow Full Screen
Free standing monorail supporting structureShow Full Screen
Cupola charging system supporting structureShow Full Screen
Cooler supporting structure Show Full Screen
Cupola recuperator supporting towerShow Full Screen
We can either provide these elements as part of our own equipment supply or we can provide them as standalone elements to support equipment supplied by others.
Foundry Equipment & Products